🙏🏾 TGI Forgiven stands for 'Thank God I'm Forgiven.' We have so much to be thankful for, yet on a personal level we know the reasons we are grateful.
📌 This shirt is legacy edition because all of the colors are VIBRANT AND PERFECT!
🌈 The rainbow is for God's love for us and the covenant He made in Genesis 9:13-15, "I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15 I will remember my covenantbetween me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life."
❣️ The red is for God's love for us and Jesus' blood shed on the Cross so we could be Forgiven according to Romans 10:9, "If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved."
🌈 TGI Forgiven (Legacy Edition)
- 100% cotton
- Self-fabric collar, double-needle cover-stitched collar and armholes
- True-to-fit sizes